“Everything is according to a plan,” someone said.

A proper plan is the key to everything. In the realm of technology, that plan is a programming language. It is not for the faint of heart. From websites we use to robots that need algorithms, all the work is worth it. The programming culture enthralls you, but you don’t know where to begin? We’ve got your back. Learn every aspect of a language.
First Things First
To learn something, you always need to have a curious mindset. Before learning anything about technology or programming, you need to know some things. You must think about the meaning of a language. Well, as we all know, a language is nothing but a sequence of words. This sequence usually corresponds to a series of instructions.

The process is cumbersome, but what follows is quite appealing. The result is nothing more than what we say. A computer language is nothing more than a series of algorithms. They get used together in a sequence to process raw data. This tool is basically a link between the raw data and the desired output.
Introduction To C Language
The C programming language contains a set of protocols that describe its operations.

The C programming language came to life when its creators were working on the Unix. Using the B programming language, from which C evolved. The B language lacked certain features. Hence, they led to the development of C. These elements were part of the C program and were a part of its creation. Overall, C is a very flexible language that is easy to program in, simple, and popular! It is a structured programming language. The key feature is it is machine-independent. C language is also used to write various applications and operating systems. Examples include Windows, and many other complex programs.
Basics of C
Later languages have followed C’s syntax and features. Either in a straight away or in a roundabout manner. Thus, the syntax of Java, PHP, JavaScript and plenty of different languages uses C language. C++ is a sort of superset of the C language. Its principal capabilities are easy access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and a simple style.

These capabilities make the C language suitable for creating packages. Those packages which include a running device or compiler. Structure of C Software After the above discussion, we are able to decide the shape of a C software program. By shape, we suggest that any software program is very flexible. One can write it in any shape of their choice. Talking about its structure, a C program consists of seven parts.
- Documentation section: Create or change commands in the documentation section. For example, you can change the author’s name or date too. The C compiler will not take into account any characters or words between “/*” and “*/”. C compilers ignore these characters. For example: *Comment line 1 *Comment line 2 *Comment line 3*, etc.
- Preprocessor/link Section : This section has header files. Files that are essential for running C programs.
- Definition section : The defining of variables happens here. Also, and values get assigned to them in this section.
- Global declaration section : Global variables get defined here. When a variable can get used throughout the program. They can be set in this section.
- Function declaration section : The prototype of a function contains a lot of information . The type of information such as the return type and argument names used inside the function.
- Main function: Function prototype gives many information about a function . For example, info like return type, parameter names used inside the function.
- User-defined function section : In this section, users can define their own functions. Some can also execute specific tasks based on their needs.
Execution of a C program:-
You must install a C compiler on your machine if you want to create, compile, and execute C programs on your own. Only then you can begin running your own C programs on your machine.
You can follow these set of instructions to do so. Then you can accordingly compile and run C programs on your machine.
Once you have installed the C compiler, you can create, compile, and execute C programs.
If you do not want to install C/C++ compilers on your machine, you can use online compilers. Processes like online execution of C/C++ and other programming languages can happen. Then, one can display the results on the screen. You can find more information by searching Google for online C/C++ compilers.
Why learn C?
C is a high-performance programming language. It was originally designed to create operating systems. It has many features that make it versatile and simple to use. These features can be used to solve a wide range of complex issues.
C combines the functionality of low-level and high-level programming languages. You will be able to understand and visualize the inner workings of computer systems . C enables you to create more complex and comprehensive programs. Almost every other programming language can communicate with it. As a result, learning C will take time, but the benefits will be well worth the effort.