What is ASP.NET?
Let’s learn ASP.NET, It is a web application framework that is developed and marketed by Microsoft. This was to allow programmers to create dynamic websites. It makes full use of programming languages like C# with ease.
ASP.NET is an extension of the .NET platform. Dot NET is a web development platform with tools, programming languages, and libraries to make different types of applications.
ASP.NET extends .NET with specific tools and applications to make web apps. You can learn more about ASP Dot Net while taking an online course.
Learn ASP.NET with C# Code Examples
Let’s see a basic example of code to display the date and time. You can learn asp.net with c# easily with an example like this and can practice it in an editor like visual studio.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello Web Pages</h1>
<p>The time is @DateTime.Now</p>
A basic code to make a form
If you want to make a form using an asp.net programming language. You are good to go, you can copy the code and can run it into an editor like visual studio.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> @{ if (IsPost) { string companyname = Request["CompanyName"]; string contactname = Request["ContactName"]; <p>You entered: <br> Company Name: @companyname <br> Contact Name: @contactname </p> } else { <form method="post" action=""> Company Name:<br> <input type="text" name="CompanyName" value=""><br> Contact Name:<br><br> <input type="text" name="ContactName" value=""><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit"> </form> } } </body> </html>
A code to display a database with data
There you are going to see code that displays a database with some data.
@{ var db = Database.Open("SmallBakery"); var query = "SELECT * FROM Product"; } <html> <body> <h1>Small Bakery Products</h1> <table border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <th>Id</th> <th>Product</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> @foreach(var row in db.Query(query)) { <tr> <td>@row.Id</td> <td>@row.Name</td> <td>@row.Description</td> <td style="text-align:right">@row.Price</td> </tr> } </table> </body> </html>

Learn ASP.NET With C# Together
We have a separate course for learning ASP.NET and C# That you can complete while buying only one course. We also provide a certification on ASP.NET with C# programming.
About the Course
ASP.Net is a Web Application framework, marketed by Microsoft.
In this course, you will learn asp.net with c# and also basic programming. that will help you to understand the more complex concepts easily.
These are easily accessible ad easily understandable since there are pre-recorded lectures and notes. You would require to download the Visual Studio Application on your desktop or laptop to run the ASP.NET web application.
Having certification in this course will help you in the future if you already are a master in C#.
Why not try taking a test on asp dot net before proceeding to buy a course. Right?