looking for having a skill of free online courses, here comes an answer for you. We are providing Top 10 Free Online Courses related to the computer field. As we know that there are many computers application. which we can learn and use it as a knowledge, having knowledge of anything always helps.
So, We are covering Top 10 free online courses which will help you to learn more.
Digital Marketing – it’s an online marketing tool that helps business to expand rapidly. what does business expansion Mean? It is when you have the skill of Digital Marketing. You are able to promote your website. It helps the company to increase its sales and so on.
So, you can learn free digital marketing course from the google official, by navigating Grow with Google

Programming Language – Now Learning programming language is on our fingertips. Because here you learn programming language practically. You can also navigate the free tools like W3schools and a bit similar to those in order to practice your programming skills. You are also learning tips and tutorials with live practice on w3schools. It is completely free, and you can also take certificate after taking an online exam.

LinkedIn Marketing – Marketing Sounds great to those who are willing to learn marketing skills and you also have basic knowledge of marketing if you are looking to make your career in this. Right? But, Questions comes here is that! Is it free to learn marketing or LinkedIn Marketing? Well, If I tell you that Yes, You can learn marketing free, You must be astound. But, let me tell you that learning the professional things not always or fully free, you have pay something in order to get professional knowledge. But, there is another case also, Yeah! You can get basic or little advanced knowledge of marketing by accessing free tutorials or course of LinkedIn Marketing.
What do you learn in this marketing? Well, as it is social media site and it is used for sharing content and information. People here on this platform post their requirement mainly. So, we have many things to learn here, Like – How to Write Post? How To Write an Article? etc. even though, you can check the specific marketing course and its syllabus.

Graphics Designing – Graphic Designing includes Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Web Designing etc. These apps help to create the best graphic design. Which we can use for website pages and for social media Posting. Here, If I suggest you the official websites of these application to learn things, how would it be? wouldn’t be great to learning things from the official websites. Right? You must know that if we learn something from official websites that’s always a great thing, because we get the best information. So, you can always visit the official website and navigate to the tutorials or resources section in order to learn things better. It is free to use. NO CHARGES AT ALL.

Camtasia Studio – It is an application which we use to edit video and make effective video tutorial from this. it has many features like Transition effect, Text Effect and so on to make the good video.

Machine Learning – Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being programmed. In the past time, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome.

QuickBooks – it is accounting software which is generally used by the small and medium-sized business. It is a good application to learn and manage the accounts. You can also learn more about QuickBooks Trainings

YouTube Studio Beta – This is a new feature of YouTube and those people who make the video on YouTube they must have the skill of using YouTube Beta Studio.

Facebook Marketing – Marketing your product on the Facebook is always a great idea. Because Facebook provides a great platform to advertise your product or service. So, Learner who wishes to go towards AdWords marketing, he or she should have the skill of Facebook Marketing.

Rhino 3D Course – Rhinoceros, also known as Rhino or Rhino3D, is a 3D CAD modelling software package that enables you to accurately model your designs ready for rendering. So, who have the interest to learn this application, he or she can learn it online.